Please consider making a donation


Colonialism has separated Indigenous peoples from the land and has contributed to climate change which threatens the continuation of all life on Earth. Resulting from extractive development projects, we witness the harm being inflicted on our more-than-human relations including the water, trees, animals, and all that used to thrive on the land. Despite the barriers to being on the land that Indigenous peoples encounter, we continue to determine strategies to defend the lands and waters and protect Indigenous lifeways. 
All Our Relations Land Trust was created by members of the urban Indigenous community in Kingston. It provides a path to restore our relationship with land as beloved kin and to connect with land through stewardship and care. This crucial relationship will enable Indigenous food sovereignty initiatives, support local climate resilience, and foster individual and community well-being today and for future generations. 
Your donation will support the Land Trust to engage in Indigenous-led environmental stewardship, lead its Indigenous food sovereignty initiatives, strengthen local food systems, and address the climate crisis at a local level.

There are two ways you can donate, please click the button below to donate through our Canada Helps account or you can donate by e-transfer to